Saturday, December 29, 2007

Sense of Faith

Sense of Faith

Hebrews 11:1
(NLT version)

"What is Faith? It is the confident assurance that what we hope for is going to happen. It is the evidence of things we cannot yet see."

"we cannot yet see"…which means will eventually see. Not "hope to see" or "maybe see", but "will see." Faith is not a figment of your imagination. Faith may be intangible, but it is real. As a Dreamer, you need that reminder.

My Dreams consist of many things. One of them, I realize I cannot have right now. I can look, but I can't touch. It sucks…

I really dislike wanting something I cannot have.
I go through a variety of emotions…hurt, sadness, doubt.
But, what can I do?
I have to shake it off and let it go. I have to keep pushing forward.
…it still hurts, but I must push on.

Then, I remember… I WILL HAVE, because Faith said so.

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