Sunday, February 22, 2009

Late-Night Thoughts...

Before I crash tonight...just want to get some thoughts off my chest.

I just wanted to send a reminder.... There are two types of people in this world: The ones that chase dreams...and the ones that give up and die. Seriously think...which one are you?

Life is hard. Happiness is not something that's given. For years, I wondered why I suffered so much crap from this world. was my fault. I didn't know how to let certain things or people go. But other times...I realize it was all divine training. God was training me and molding me...and He still is. His kingdom is an inheritance. But what king gives an inheritance without proper training? Getting saved is only the beginning. Even the devil believes in God. But the real fun begins on your path to spiritual maturity.

Throughout this life, I meet many people. I meet many many people that start things, dreams, endeavors, ideas...whatever you want to call them, but never finish. They never get it done. But why? Lack of passion? yes. Lack of drive? yes. But I know why people don't finish. The real question is...what were they thinking? What was the thought process when they decided to simply...stop chasing this bright idea? This big vision that they had? Even better is life after burying the dream? Are they aware that they're walking dead? Is there a sense of un-fulfillment? Gots to be.

Everybody wants to be happy, but too many looking for Happiness to be handed to them...without work, sacrifice, pain. How selfish are we really?

Me personally...I go to bed thinking...why is God keeping me alive to see another day? I'm not living to satisfy myself and my desires. I'm alive to fulfill a will...God's Will. His will of spreading his love and changing the world one person at a time. Being a blessing to someone. ....when was the last time you blessed someone? Or are you one of the ones that's always looking out for self and not others.

just a 24hr. note. goodnight.

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