Thursday, November 19, 2009

My Heart... Exposed

My Heart... Exposed
The thoughts of the Dreamer
Christopher Bell and Trevor Terry

I am worried
because is Dangerous
making love to me through the lens
teasing my senses...
I wish I were senseless
so I wouldn't feel this
but I am a human being

you are not in love with me
you are fascinated with my gift
not my soul
you cherish what i
what we can create,
why can't you see that there's so much more to appreciate
if we were to be together
we could commit to more than just a common goal
we would become so much more
but the price of that sacrifice
may end up being more than I can afford.

So what must I do
to finally undress the real you?
I can only hope my pen finds success
in reaching beyond the actress.
I want to uncover the girl you're protecting
beneath the surface
because there's much more of you
I would love to discover...

But I don't know my next step
I can only wait
and pray that Patience
is stronger than Fate.
I am offering you all I have
there is nothing left for me to communicate
and I only want Honesty in return
stop hiding
I am only as transparent as you make me
only you have the power
to save me from all this future pain
rescue me from myself
and please
don't let my heart
have been exposed in vain.

I wish to talk to the Real you
not the person you choose to be
whenever you are around me
or the woman you want the world to see
I long to caress your true identity...